Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy Anniversary - Milton & Kate Beatty

Milton D. Beatty & Kate E. H. Hughes were married near Indiana, PA on New Year's Day 1891.


They "courted" for several years before marrying. Kate was a school teacher and her jobs were often several counties away, so she was often living away from home during the school year. In the days before email, they conducted a regular exchange of letter writing and I am lucky to have copies of a large collection of these letters from 1888-1890. They are fascinating to read and a neat glimpse into life during that time... and a window into "dating" during Victorian times. I will randomly post these letters as we go along.

Marriage certificate for Milton & Kate as recorded at the Indiana County courthouse.


Sue Hannon said...

Mike, I am enjoying reading your posts here. I exchanged a few letters with Herman Beatty back in the 70s, before I headed off to college, and greatly appreciated all the information about the Hughes family that he was able to share (Sam Hughes was my great-grandfather, so we're some kind of cousins). My aunt, Barb Hughes shared the link to this blog with my family. Looking forward to reading more as you post it!

Mike said...

Thanks, glad you're enjoying it! Your aunt was a great help with the Hughes. Keep watching, I have a lot of good stuff to share....

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